In this article, we'll be going over how to use operators can reference information while on-the-job.
There are three modes you can train your employees:
Group Training & Individual Training & On-The-Job Knowledge Base
I. Group Training
Group training allows you to train a group of operators at once.
II. Individual Training
Individual training is a self-guided training path for an operator.
III. On-the-Job Knowledge Base
Operators can access information as a reference if they need a reminder on how to do a procedure or process.
III. On-the-Job Knowledge Base
With On-the-Job Knowledge Base mode, an operator can go through the work instructions themselves whenever they need to reference information that they might have forgotten or want to double verify.
Step 1. An operator can pull up the training material from the Assets or Documents tab on the side navigation. They can also pull this information up via Barcode or Browsing through the app. They can reference:
Work Instructions
Troubleshooting Guides
Any issues going on
Or any previous training information
Step 2: Operators go through the document
Next, operators can go through the training material - play the videos and go through the information. If it's step by step, they can go through each slide by clicking the circle buttons with the numbers. This is also via mobile app as well.
For more training modes feel free to reference those guides here: Group Training & Individual Training.